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TIRR Family

TIRR Family is a special group of volunteers who were brought together through shared experiences and a common bond becoming much like a family. This dynamic volunteer organization was founded by individuals who themselves had sustained a catastrophic injury or experienced the difficult struggle of a loved one who had endured such an injury. Today, TIRR Family is filled with individuals whose lives have been personally impacted by catastrophic injury, and those who are impassioned to support the goals and efforts of TIRR Foundation.

Through fundraising events and volunteer work, TIRR Family is supporting the needs of patients, enhancing the lives of the physically disabled and increasing community awareness. TIRR Family offers those with a philanthropic spirit a multitude of opportunities to positively impact the lives of those who have sustained catastrophic injuries, and in particular those with neurological damage. Through a passionate desire to help, TIRR Family improves lives and instills hope in thousands of patients each year.

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Executive Committee

Heidi Seinsheimer President Jane Broyles Smith Immediate Past President
Mary Bicknell Membership Debbie Jones Recording Secretary
Julie Hodges Corresponding Secretary Gretchen Coleman Treasurer
Kristin Abello Tom Becker
Anne Conner Flo Crady
Becky Crane Nancy Gordon
Janis Henry Judy Howell
Michelle Jackson Ted Lyons
Jackie Martin Janet McCarter
Liz Rigney Cynthia Urquhart
Laura Wheless